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Monday, June 25, 2012

Bunny party update

in the bunny party if enough bunnies hop on the big drum, it flashes. if enough hop, the background shapes turn purple. if enough hop, the shaman hops thru the purple shapes. if enough hop, bunny statues of Peck come out!

EDIT: Oh wow, I sound like the Hulk or something trying to talk xD



i recently went in to edit my resturant den and i knowticed my monthly member gift the lion stuffie had a rare logo on it...
weird huh? do u have anything with a rare logo on it that wasint b4?

Peguin party newz

new to the peguin party is well, first of all the penguin party. ive posted about the couches but i lost the pic of the flag, su ill post the flag and the rug pics naow.

Plus, those of u who havent been 2 a penguin party, theres ice u can stand on and it expands, two slides, a found glitch, rock u can walk on without a glitch, deep snow, a pool of water, and a wind chamber where u turn all cold and blue
also, if u click the pic of the slushie on the wall u get a slushie, and is u click the hot air balloons u get a hot air balloon.

Rare monday!

Freedom capes! AJ is really getting in2 the red white and blue this year. stuffies, masks, capes.... maybe wings next?

Sun balloons

sun ballons r now in deh carnival!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


This morning, i went on aj and to the carnival, nothing new or anything.
then later i come BACK on, and POW! RED WHITE AND BLUE!! You can still get the normal colors by the clothing shop.

MORE new stuffz

plush an awesme penguin party =3
PS: theres also a new peguin flag but i couldent find dat pic .3.

Golden pirate swords

new in epics theres golden pirate swords c:!

New box

now in the carnival theres a box where u put in ideas for games and prizes

Jamma journal and riddle!

I beleive ik what animal is coming!!!!! FOXES!!!! =3


Flags r back!!! ANOTHER beta item....

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

?.? what!?

ok, so a lot of weird things have been going on. today i went in 2 change my eye color and it showed purple.... then one day neiter of my accounts could buy anything from the horseparty....

Plus, golden gloves recycle 4 1500 gems, and new giraffe toys r out in phantom invasion!

                          meh bat was being a camera hog :3
has any of thease wird things happend 2 u? plz comment if they did! .3.

EDIT: Dat grammar. I'm so sorry.


i just think the phantum looks so funny XD. anyways thats wat comes up if you cant aford 2 play a game in the carnival


im being lazy again, su i just took the pic of the 1 leaf XP
Colorz: Green, Light blue, Pink, Red, Orange, Light purple, Blue, Yellow

Late rare monday XP

finally AJ is getting some rares! leafs... freedom masks... mabe tophats next?


heres the effects for the humming bird:^


in the horse derby i FINALLY unlocked pro. anywaysh, the bottom is grey there and theres just alot more obsticles :1

Flip flops!

on a lion, they look like platform shoes XD

Friday, June 15, 2012

Pet castles!

 now theres a grey castle! theres even a lilypad for a frog!
                  these castles r BIG. if your a big pink fan i suggest this castle for ur pets!

                                                             heres the hummingbird stuff:

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Gems x2!

this weeks x2 is spider zapper ^^ im happy cuz im the champ >:D
                                                         heres where it is in Sol Arcade


new hampster stuffies r here! just as i predicted...MUHAHAHA!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Now that ik people actually read my blog and listen 2 me, i just want to say,                               Sorry

REAL pufferfish spikes

here are the non-drawn by me pics:

when u wear them, they fastly go in and out. heres what they look like ona shark, penguin, and a dolphin.
                                               shark                                              shark
                                                  in                                                   out

 They dont show up much on a penguin c: