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Monday, June 11, 2012


2morrow im having a party!!!
where: my den (scarfire12899)
when: June 12th
why: partys r fun
time: all day!!!
Additional info: i may not b on all day, but still party when im not on. It will be in a gingerbread den and u may glitch. If u dont know the glitch, i will show u. Other people not from the blog will b there. I will try to get lovelost and katie7 to come. Remember to bring all yo buddies!!! lovelost is from animaljam flash. katie7 from animaljam howl.

THE GLITCH: first stand where one of the yellow circles are.

If u stand here, click in the yellow circle by the DJ set.
If u stand here, click the 2nd floor.
Before u run open someones player card and then click. while u run go into buddy games and click a game then cancel it quickly.
                                      A player card.
                                       Thanks to katie7 for i used her player card.
when done u should end up on the wall!

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